Support options and costs


Support options

Sport psychology support would normally be delivered through regular face-to-face meetings, group sessions (with members of a sports team) or through workshops and lectures in situations that involve larger groups. The sessions could take place in a shared a physical space, or remotely (through Zoom or Skype meetings) if this proves to be easier in terms of geography or to observe social distancing.

Effective sport psychology support normally involves weeks or months of regular instruction so that mental skills changes are given time to become permanent.



Sport psychology costs vary according to the qualifications and experience of the practitioner involved. Trainee sport psychologists (registered on either the BPS or BASES pathways) might charge in the region of £40-60 per hour for their work, whilst fully qualified practitioners might charge considerably more (possibly between £100 - £250 per session) although this may depend on the contract agreed between the two parties. Clients should be aware that payments for sport psychology support services may also include time for additional research, observation and any travel costs that may be associated with the support process.